BRAED (Battle River Alliance for Economic Development)
The Battle River Alliance for Economic Development (BRAED) is a group of thirty-seven communities and two associate members in east-central Alberta that work cooperatively and voluntarily to address community economic development issues from a regional perspective. BRAED was established in 2001 and incorporated as a not-for-profit company in August, 2002.
The BRAED region has a population of over 64,000 residents. The main source of income is from annual membership fees and government part funding. |
Alberta Hub
The Northeast Alberta Information HUB (Alberta HUB) is the regional economic development alliance of Northeast Alberta focused on enabling investment and business support, including positioning the region for future growth through diversification/innovation strategies, labour force development, municipal collaboration, marketing and identifying infrastructure requirements, i.e. broadband, transportation.
SouthGrow is an economic development alliance of twenty-seven south central Alberta communities committed to working together to achieve prosperity for the region. Representing over 130,000* people, SouthGrow is committed to assisting communities, organizations, businesses and people in the region to further their economic development goals and to maintain the high quality of life. SouthGrow’s Goal: To accelerate and enhance economic development and sustainability for the communities in the SouthGrow Regional Initiative region.
Palliser Economic Partnership
Palliser Economic Partnership (PEP) is the regional economic development alliance that serves the southeast corner of Alberta that borders the Canadian province of Saskatchewan to the east, the US state of Montana to the south, to west of Highway 36 and to the north of Highway 9.
PEP's eighteen member communities include both urban and rural municipalities and have a combined population of almost 100,000. The region is resource rich particularly in oil and gas and agriculture and offers untapped earning potential with affordable communities that are infinitely welcoming. The organization works in partnership with various economic development agencies / organizations in the region as well as various provincial and federal government departments to improve and expand economic development in the region. PEP is funded through per capita contributions from its municipal shareholders as well as funding from the Government of Alberta. The region offers a great business climate, friendly, safe communities, and is in the heart of the Canadian Badlands offering a variety of recreation opportunities. It's even the sunniest place in Canada. |
The Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor
Eastern Alberta is home to more than 80 municipalities stretching from the United States border in the south to the vast oil reserves in Alberta’s northeast and from the Saskatchewan border to just east of Alberta’s two largest cities. It is a resource rich area featuring safe roads and a well-developed infrastructure system that is ripe for investment.
Building on this strategic location and its existing strengths,-- a major focus is branding eastern Alberta as the Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor (EATC). EATC’s purpose is to establish the region as an international trade corridor and leverage the economic benefit of the oil sands for all eastern Alberta communities by facilitating trade along the corridor and encouraging growth in the nodes along the corridor. The Eastern Alberta Trade Corridor is an initiative of three regional economic development alliances: Palliser Economic Partnership, Battle River Alliance for Economic Development and Alberta HUB. |